Outdoor Gear + Equipment Design
I specialize in designing and developing outdoor gear: backpacks (technical + lifestyle), daypacks, travel gear, sleeping bags, tents, and accessories. When embarking on an outdoor adventure, typically it’s only a few pieces of beloved equipment that are brought along on the journey. I know this because I love to be outside, and I am very particular about the gear I choose to carry whether I’m mountain biking, trail running, climbing, or on a long backpacking trip. I’ve always felt that the best gear is uncomplicated, lightweight, comfortable, and goes “unnoticed” because the details are well thought-out. Interestingly, it is the most loved equipment that often holds sentimental value for the life-changing experiences they come to symbolize…
I enjoy designing outdoor gear because the necessity to focus on functionality and fit makes the process challenging and collaborative. But what makes me passionate about designing outdoor gear, is the multiplicity of ways that gear connects both physically and emotionally to the individual who loves to be outside.
I am currently available for consultant work and always enjoy new collaborations. For more about my design process please see my portfolio flipbook.
Lynn Robinson
Designer • Developer • Outdoor Nerd
Sector 28
Backpacks While choosing materials and making design decisions, lightweight functionality and comfortable fit were my ... -
Backpacks The Sargent was one of 6 daypacks I designed for Eastern Mountain Sports. After researching ... -
Velocity 35
Sleeping Bags It's always a fun challenge to take an "iconic" product and update the design ... -
Women’s Fenway
Backpacks Sometimes it takes a woman to design a women's pack. Simple, clean design aesthetic without ... -
Long Trail 70
Backpacks The Long Trail backpack has been a product at Eastern Mountain Sports for many ... -
Colden Daypack
Backpacks The Colden is the most hike specific of the daypack line. Therefore it has ... -
Wapack 60
Backpacks I remember my first multi-day backpack like it was yesterday. In fact, you can ... -
Sleeping Bags This was a project that I worked very closely with our factory partners and ... -
Sector 42
Backpacks The 42 is the largest of the Sector series. It shares the same design ... -
Down Sleeping Bags
Sleeping Bags As is true with all down sleeping bags, getting the down distribution correct is ... -
Product Development Tents are a bit like rock climbing, it's almost impossible to do it without ... -
Color + Pattern
Inspiration Like other designers, I spend time researching seasonal color and trend through the use of ... -
Technical Outerwear
Technical Outerwear The Road Trip I've always had a fascination with technical outwear. In my mind, it ...